The Exclusively Niche Private Members’ Lifestyle Club was set up to enable our members and subscribers make direct connections with key players in the luxury and motor industry. This ranges from senior motoring business executives and pioneers to icons from the world of motorsport. Equally, we are set to connect with some of the best personalities in the arts and music scene.

We are not merely a motoring club, but a lifestyle club, based on our shared passion for cars. Our club activities range from business and networking gatherings to social dinners and talks with people of influence, as well as regular meetings with colleagues in the industry.

We believe our readership will benefit significantly from our business partnership with Exclusively Connect, the UKs foremost platform for premium brand collaborative marketing as well as regularly engaging with our partners at Exclusively Connect.

As a member of our Private Members’ Lifestyle Club, you will also benefit from personal use of our central London Club House facility, a Clubhouse for socialising and networking, as well as exclusive invitations to bespoke events.

Exclusively Niche Private Member's Club